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Hair Fixing

Hair Wellness Clinic|Hair Treatment|HWC|Kochi|Kerala|India

At Hair Wellness Clinic we provide optimal hair fixing solutions with hair that mostly appropriately matches a client's natural hair. Combining the state of the art custom made hair units with their modes of attachment, we are able to deliver stunning results that are on par with results provided by hair replacement.

Hair fixing is a non- surgical hair restoration procedure and is one of the oldest methods of hair piece attachment. A wig, toupee or a hair piece, is attached with hair clips made of plastic and metal, that are then clipped to the clients existing hair. As a consequence of this procedure the hair unit has to be detached on a daily basis.

Nevertheless, we advise that the hair fixing products of choice not to be worn while sleeping as prolonged use of the clips can lead to traction alopecia which in turn lead to baldness area becoming bigger. Hair fixing is ideal for people who have lost hair mostly of top of the scalp and crown.

Hair fixing provides a convenient solution for those clients who would like to remove the hair system daily with ease unlike hair replacement where the unit needs to be detached every 2-3 weeks. The hair systems used for hair fixing tend to last relatively longer than hair replacement as the amount of wear and tear on the units is less as they are worn as required.

As per the Norwood Scale, hair fixing is advisable from stage 2 to 3 for women and from 3 to 5 for men.


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